Wise spelling begins with sound first.
Explore the lost art of training the brain for spelling…
with Spell to Write and Read!
Wise Spelling SWR trains teachers in the lost art of teaching English spelling! Spell to Write and Read curriculum is a word-of-mouth-advertised teaching plan utilized to make a difference in the lives of children studying spelling. My purpose is to help you along the way as you dig into this method. Wise Spelling also offers proofreading to business owners [paper & digital], calligraphy services, and online sales of certain out-of-print books.
Why has teaching spelling changed over time? And what are phonograms? Find answers, and more importantly discover how to teach it today.
YOU are the one who can make a difference in children's lives!
Good communication skill begins with clear sound, focused speech, and kinesthetic writing. Contrary to most people’s understanding, a logical introduction to these skills can start with spelling.
I'm here to help you teach techniques in helping a child's brain know how to make pencil marks (phonograms) on her paper, to make decisions of letters to write (graphemes), and put sounds together with logical principles (spelling rules). Here’s an example. The Sanseri method labels this as THINK TO SPELL!
Wanda Sanseri cleared a path for us as teachers and cut through all the educational gobbledygook. Now we have a strong way to teach children how to spell. Yes, it’s hard work! This is closer to what teachers were taught long ago for phonics methods, before university education majors took courses in reading with alluring, yet unproven, methods. Materials from Spell to Write and Read are a substitute for training yourself in a solid foundation of the building blocks of English.
Read the books, educate yourself (or attend a training class), join the conversation at SWR Forum, and find out in a short time what Wanda Sanseri took years to discover.
Then go make a difference in a child's life!
Listen to sounds.
Sound it out!
Say it as you write it.
But teach students how to choose those sounds with phonograms.
Sounds. Write. Now!
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