Teaching spelling can be elusive.
It doesn’t have to be.

Rhonda and David Bedee own and operate Wise Spelling as purveyors of SWR curriculum and training. The Bedees provide training and book sales for Spell to Write and Read curriculum, with proofreading and tutoring. Shipping goes out from Texas, U.S.A. We do ship internationally with email orders!
Rhonda Bedee is a spelling specialist.
We chose to teach our children at home. The curriculum called Spell to Write and Read was the special find that turned out to be the main source of language arts for our 3 children.
Endorsed by SWR author Wanda Sanseri as an SWR trainer since 2000, I’ve been leading moms, dads, tutors, classroom teachers, and school administrators in practicing details of the lost art and science of spelling.
A special facet of that training is team-teaching SWR seminars across 5 states with Carolyn Gibbens of SWR Texas plus online classes since 2020 in a collaborative effort that SWR author Wanda Sanseri dubbed Texas Two-Step Spelling.
David Bedee is a C.E. (clarinetist extraordinaire).
David runs policy (and runs the roads) for our Texas-based shipping, while working a full-time job. On occasion, inspiration strikes as he offers musical solutions to spelling problems.
About Wise Spelling…
What will you find here?
Help for teaching spelling.
Help for SWR + book sales including international shipping by request.
Help for handwriting - cursive and calligraphy.