Value Added features are found at Wise Spelling.
Teacher Time Savers!
You’ve discovered Spell to Write and Read, and perhaps have already found your start-up items.
Now, you have a spelling question. Who to call?
Keep in mind that purchasing from SWR suppliers gives you options. Choose one that helps you.
Can you email that big box store and ask how to teach the 1-1-1 rule? If you call the book distributor, can they tell you if you’re pronouncing the “si” phonogram the right way? Probably not…
“Sir, do I need to write a teacher’s log before I begin teaching my daughter?”
“Ma’am, where in this book do I find advanced phonograms?”
When ordering from any SWR Endorsed Trainers (Wise Spelling, SWR Texas, Crosswise SWR, SWR with Becky, SWR Forum), you’ve also found a great Q&A source!
TIME & EFFORT = GREAT WORTH! Where else can you find pre-cut advanced phonogram cards so you don’t have to spend time cutting or be concerned that the cards turn out the same size (they’re not perforated…). Do you know which SWR rule cards need red highlights? Oh, wait, you just laminated them. Too late!
Good deals come in easy packages. Find it here! Wise Spelling is a high-service spelling supplier who can answer your questions.