SWR SEMINARS Syllabus and Purpose

Basic.  Foundation of all SWR instruction! Philosophy of Spell to Write and Read, phonics concepts, teaching preschoolers to about 2nd grade level + all upper grades, promotion of good literature practices and how it relates to spelling and reading, 70 basic phonograms, related spelling rules, introduction and modeling and practice of spelling dictation, required daily teacher plans and practices, modeling of reference pages in Primary Log. Interactive!

Level 1. Basic, all grades, philosophy of teaching, HOW TO for classroom.


Seminars are NOT required by any means!

But for those who want it, Wanda Sanseri has authorized and given her personal endorsement for a group of trainers across the United States to provide organized classes. But how do I choose?

Level 1. Basic. Every teacher of SWR methods benefits from this foundational course!

Basic.  This practical and interactive course walks you through tips for beginning with preschoolers and moves on to teaching Kindergartners, 1st and 2nd graders, and higher grades. Begin here to learn 70 Basic phonogram spellings and sounds, approximately 20 spelling rules, and the pattern to follow for spelling dictation. Teacher needs Red Primary Learning Log.

Level 2. WISE Guide Practice and Plan, Intermediate, Advanced, in any order. Prerequisite: Basic and/or one year of SWR teaching or more.

WISE Guide Practice & Plan - WGPP.  Practicum, weekly lesson planning, spelling word dictation format and practice, teacher evaluation, WISE Guide Worksheets. Begins with a reading assignment for teachers (26 pages) then Zoom class for 2 afternoons. Highly interactive with teacher practice for dictation and questions and answers!

Intermediate.  Conclusion of SWR 40 steps, more phonics concepts, order of teaching for 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades, expanded work with 70 phonograms, a few advanced phonograms introduction, modeling of more Reference pages and spelling rules pages in Red Primary Log. Interactive with some teacher practice for questions on rules.

Advanced.  Return to the beginning of the 40 steps but with FOCUS ON OLDER STUDENTS, more phonics concepts, order of teaching for 2nd through 6th grade, expanded work with 70 phonograms, 24 advanced phonograms, modeling of ALL 39 Reference pages and spelling rules pages in Black Log with special instructions for Greek and Latin roots and more. Interactive.


* Just getting started? Basic + WGPP

* Teaching 1st, 2nd, 3rd graders? Basic + Intermedate + WGPP

* Teaching 3rd graders and up, middle schoolers, high schoolers, adults? Skip Intermediate, take Advanced. Basic + Advanced + WGPP



Classroom.  SWR Kit, teacher log, WG Worksheets, 1 book per teacher.  Head of School, Dean, or Curriculum Supervisor reviews options with trainer to choose applicable items for school.

Logs.  There are two for two levels of teaching. Red Primary Log is for younger students:  larger writing space with dashed lines, 18 Reference pages.  Black Log is for upper grades:  smaller writing space, older students, full set of 39 Reference pages.