• SWR Author Wanda Sanseri

    Wanda Sanseri originated Spell to Write and Read and personally teaches and endorses SWR seminar trainers. She authored the SWR books & materials and wrote Bible studies that have been translated in 5 languages.

    Back Home Industries - BHI Books & Publishing

  • Carolyn Gibbens

    Trainer Carolyn Gibbens of Texas has trained numerous people in the art of spelling for homeschool & classroom since 1999 for Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, & online for Basic.

    SWR Texas Trainers | YouTube | 832-483-3391

  • Rhonda Bedee

    Rhonda Bedee began SWR in 1994, assisted Carolyn Gibbens in 1999, & initiated SWR Intermediate seminars in 2000 as an endorsed trainer for a 5-state region + Zoom. Now she offers many 2nd-level trainings for SWR Alumni.

    Wise Spelling SWR | wisespelling.swr@att.net | 281.382.6746

  • Julie Wagenmaker

    In Fort Worth, Texas, plus eastern Missouri, Michigan, and southern Illinois. Julie provides Basic and Advanced seminars for both classroom teachers and homeschool educators.

    YouTube | jkwagenmaker@gmail.com

  • Niki Wise

    Niki Wise currently resides in Georgia, but she offers BASIC Seminars both in Zoom & in-person formats. She began using Spell to Write and Read back in the 1990s when it was called Teaching Reading at Home and School. Not only using this program during her own homeschool years, Niki began sharing SWR with other friends and even introduced her oldest grandson to spelling & reading with Mrs. Sanseri's proven program. She also transitioned into serving as a classroom teacher, curriculum coordinator, and academic dean for almost the last 15 years where she has played a role in developing hybrid programs. When she is not offering a BASIC seminar, she can be found playing with her grandkids or planning trips with her husband.

    Email Niki Wise

  • Becky Hafer

    Becky and her husband homeschool their children who are currently in elementary through high school. Becky's parents taught her with a predecessor to SWR, which now she uses in teaching her own children and others. “I love helping fellow parents and educators learn this method!”

    SWR Forum and Resource Center

  • Patsy Mugg

    Patsy trains SWR teachers in Oregon, Colorado, Washington, and Idaho.  She raised her children with SWR and has extensive experience using it in a variety of settings.  Patsy helped adults at her local literacy council (including native and non-native English speakers) where their reading and confidence with written English soared.  She taught SWR to remedial reading students at an alternative high school and parent-partnered K-10 program in her local school district, resulting in strong academic gains.

    muggtalk@aol.com  |  WA/ID Seminar June 2025

  • Staci Jackson

    Staci trains teachers in South Carolina, North Carolina, and surrounding states.

    YouTube | stacijackson.swr@gmail.com

  • Jani Sakultarawattn

    St. Helens, Oregon, and also Idaho are primary areas where Jani Sakultarawattn offers in-person SWR seminars. She brings 30+ years of experience to the table.

    503-369-3172 | YouTube

  • Caroline Huang

    Based in California, Taiwan, and Thailand, Caroline has translated SWR materials into Mandarin. She publishes parenting books & pioneers SWR methods online.

    全澄英語頻道由黃陳怡文Caroline老師創立,希望能跟各位家長與其他教育從業者,分享老師的教學理念、教學技巧,進而推動台灣的英語教育進程,讓我們的孩子與世界接軌、裝備他們、探索潛能,創造孩子未來的無限機會與可能。 黃陳怡文老師,在台灣長大,赴美進修,獲美國哈佛大學教育學院教育碩士學位,專攻雙語認知發展與多元文化教育。 她在美國曾擔任幼兒園3-5歲混齡班的班主任,後負責K-8年級ESL學生的教學,迄今為止從事教育工作已有三十餘年,深刻了解如何幫助非英語國家的學生有效透過課程,銜接進入英語系國家的學習環境。 我們以幫助台灣的孩子們有效學習英語為宗旨,運用老師的教育理論與其養育實踐經驗,肩負以學養與親職為孩子們編織一張看得見的安全網的重任。

    Mustard SeedEmail Caroline • Caroline on YouTubeTehorim on YouTube

  • Elaine Selby

    In the Kansas area, Elaine Selby directs teachers of many schools to attain excellence in SWR instruction in both Basic and Advanced seminars. This dedicated SWR endorsed trainer is currently ON HIATUS from seminar classes.


  • Tracey Williams

    Tracey promotes SWR teaching and training from Maryland and serves the Northeastern United States.

    YouTube | traceyrwilliams@gmail.com | 443-553-0456

  • Sandra Nelson

    Sandra teaches in Oregon & Pacific Northwest. Her English B.A. & M.S. Education + experience in homeschool, Classical Christian school, summer camps, after-school programs & ESL gives her a wide base. She says SWR is the best “because it is clear and logical, using sensory pathways to the brain.”

    503-607-5599 — YouTube

  • Reneé Burchfield

    Reneé Burchfield is an SWR trainer that serves North and South Carolina and other nearby areas. She has used SWR with children in the public, private, and homeschool settings, including children with hearing loss and other special needs. She firmly believes in the effectiveness of this program and would love to share it with you!


  • Nicole Arklie

    Canada has its own trainer for SWR principles: Nicole Arklie. She formerly served in the Ministry of Education of British Columbia.


  • Sarah Moser

    Sarah serves Washington, Idaho, & Colorado as an experienced classroom teacher, tutor, homeschooler, adult instructor, speaker, writer, & business owner. She is passionate about seeing America’s historical literacy restored and introducing people to the richness of English.

    Family Education Services | Podcast | More | 360-728-9590

  • Carrie Holland

    Meet Carrie! She has special interests in adult literacy & ESL and teaches in Tennessee area.

    Carrie’s son struggled with dyslexic issues, but curricula & therapies did not work. His eyes were not working together, so she found a behavioral optometrist who significantly helped him. She attended SWR training & her son progressed. She incorporated it with her other 6 children.

    Carrie knows the keys to unlock the doors to spelling, writing, & reading, effectively & successfully. She looks forward to knowing how to best help you, too!

    Answers to Literacy | YouTube

  • Denise Kelley

    Denise offers SWR Seminars in the Virginia area. Contact her at kiplinggirl@verizon.net. She is currently ON HIATUS from seminar classes.