This is a follow-up "Step 2" seminar from Texas Two-Step Spelling. Study Spelling Dictation the SWR way: Walk through weekly plans, with practical training in fingergrams, think to spell, and WG worksheets, in 3-hour sessions in 3rd WEEK OF SEPTEMBER - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 4:00 to 7:00 Central Time. Each person will take turns in DICTATION and fingergrams and receive encouragement coaching. What will you accomplish? Spelling dictation study & extensive practice with dictation & fingergrams plus lesson plan info. Instructor Rhonda Bedee models the spelling dictation guide & class members participate with interactive instruction. You will observe & participate like the students you teach, and Rhonda will guide you through turns of spelling dictation in the teacher role. Cost is $75 for 3 late afternoons.
Ready to register? - Limited to 8 participants