Study Spelling Dictation the SWR way! Walk through weekly plans and add practical training in fingergrams, thinking to spell, and WG worksheets, in 2 afternoon sessions + a preview video. NOVEMBER 14-15 Thursday and Friday, 1:00 to 5:00 Central Time, with required reading preparation document. Each person takes turns in DICTATION and fingergrams and receives encouragement coaching. What will you accomplish? Spelling dictation study & extensive practice with dictation & fingergrams, plus lesson plan considerations.
This is a STEP 2 class of "Texas Two-Step Spelling." Prerequisite: SWR Basic Seminar or thorough familiarity with 70 Basic Phonograms + some Rules. If you can only choose 1 2nd-level SWR class, this is it! Instructor: endorsed trainer Rhonda Bedee of Wise Spelling.
Zoom link is sent by email after registration - no passcode needed. Registration may transfer to a different date if needed. Rhonda models the spelling dictation guide & class members participate with interactive instruction. You will observe & participate like the students you teach, and Rhonda will guide you through turns of spelling dictation in the teacher role. Cost is $75.
Ready to register? Click here. Limited to 8 participants.